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Road safety is everyone’s business

Road safety is critical to protecting lives and livelihoods on the world’s transport network. IOE proposes concrete ways to reinforce…

Calling Caribbean Employer Organisations: Register now for IOE-ATIA Workshop in Aruba 14-15 November 2019

IOE is joining forces with ATIA to organise a two-day workshop for IOE members and other representative business organisations in the region, on…

OUT NOW! Human Rights & Responsible Business Conduct Newsletter

Read about the latest legal and policy developments at the national, regional and international level.

Are SMEs left behind in a just transition?

In the lead up to the UN Climate Action Summit and the UN General Assembly in September in New York, IOE takes a look at how a just transition…

50 million companies and 207 million workers urge Governments to accelerate SDG action

The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) jointly call on Governments to…

IOE input to G20 employment process

Summary of IOE key messages and documents to the G20 employment review.

GFMD Business Mechanism: Driving the business conversation on migration

Launched at the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) in 2015, the GFMD Business Mechanism strives to elevate the voice of business…

UN Forum on Business & Human Rights

Register early for the UN Forum on Business & Human Rights – space limited this year!

Invitation to IOE Gender Network Webinar

IOE Gender Network launch webinar to take place on 11 September.

Register: Engaging Business Forum on Business and Human Rights (Atlanta, 12-13 September)

Sign up to attend this event, organised by USCIB, IOE and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and hosted by The Coca-Cola Company.

Register now for the "Future of Work" interactive discussion (5 September, Washington D.C.)

The event, organised by USCIB in partnership with IOE, the Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN), Wilton Park USA and the S&R Foundation, will…

Future of Work survey: your feedback is critical

The survey only takes 5 minutes to complete, but will provide long-term guidance on IOE on future policy strategies. Send us your responses by 6…

Help with advancing soft skills learning

This second blog by IOE Adviser Akustina Morni offers guidance on how to promote learning of soft skills from primary school to the workplace.

In summary: 2019 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Some key takeaways from one of the most important international gatherings on sustainable development.

Meeting of IOE Members from Europe and Central Asia (Rome, 12-13 September 2019)

The General Confederation of Italian Industry (CONFINDUSTRIA) will host this meeting, to be held on 12 and 13 September in Rome.

5 steps to reverse sluggish progress on SDG 8

A newly released report by IOE, USCIB and Deloitte confirms that global efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goal 8 targets are lagging. IOE…

Business set to scale up investment in SDGs

Corporate leaders meet to chart ways to increase investment towards achieving SDG 8 following launch of landmark report by Deloitte, USCIB and…

Soft skills will make or break your career

On World Youth Skills Day, IOE Adviser Akustina Morni explains that underrated soft skills are the foundation for a successful career in the…

A show of solidarity for Venezuelan employers

IOE Secretary-General Roberto Suárez Santos visited Venezuela’s business federation, Fedecámaras, this week in Caracas.

Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization reverses ILO staff pay cut

The Employers’ Group approach has been backed up by today’s decision from the ILO’s Administrative Tribunal to restore Geneva-based professional…

G7 Labour Ministerial summary and outcomes

On 6 and 7 June the G7 Labour Ministerial took place in Paris under the theme Greater “Social Justice in a Global World”.

ECAM (Malawi) hosts 43rd Annual Meeting of Employers’ Organisations from East, Central & Southern Africa in Lilongwe for deliberations on the Future of Work

Some 60 representatives of employers’ and business member organisations (EBMOs), as well as representatives of the African Youth Commission…

IOE leads at the G7 labour summit on the future of work

Delegates gathered for the G7 Labour Ministerial Summit in Paris unanimously adopted a Tripartite Declaration with major contributions from IOE…

IOE participates in major event on business and sustainable development

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is being held on June 6-8 under the theme of Creating a Sustainable Development Agenda. The…

Latest ILO vacancy

New post listing for Director, ILO Office for Pacific Island Countries.

Call for input: Report of UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights

IOE draft submission to report of UN Working Group on Business & Human Rights on "policy coherence"

EU Policy Forum on Development (PFD) Asia Regional Meeting: 24-26 September 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal

IOE members in the Asia region are invited to submit expressions of interest in participating in the 2019 Asia Regional Meeting of the European…

Employers stand up against violence or harassment of LGBTI people

On International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Employers reaffirm that sexual orientation and gender identity must never be…

Venezuela: ILO Commission of Inquiry conducted hearings in Geneva

IOE and the Venezuelan Employers’ Association, FEDECAMARAS, do not give up and continue to push for Government compliance with the ratified…

Calling IOE Members in East, Central & Southern Africa: 43rd Annual Conference in Lilongwe, Malawi on 3-4 June 2019

The Employers' Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) will host the 43rd Annual Conference of IOE members from East, Central and Southern…

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
