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Europe & Central Asia

Euro-Mediterranean Transport and Logistics: A Catalyst for Regional Cooperation in the aftermath of the global economic crisis

Organised by Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) and BUSINESSMED

MED Business Days 2023 Southern Edition - "In the wake of the COP27, how can the private sector address climate change and promote green growth?"

Organised by BUSINESSMED and the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI)

European and international training policies

Organised by CEOE

EU Global Gateway programme information session

Organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for International Partnerships of the European Commission (DG INTPA)

MED Business Days 2022 and BUSINESSMED 20th Anniversary Celebration

Organised by BUSINESSMED and the Malta Employers Association (MEA)

IOE-GBI side event at the 2nd UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The joint event, entitled What mandatory due Diligence will mean for you: a discussion with businesses, will take place online on 11 November…

Workshop: Launch of IOE's global communicators network (for Europe)

Organised by IOE in this region on 21 October from 14:00-15:30 (CET).

Workshop: Launch of IOE's global communicators network (for North America)

Organised by IOE in this region on 21 October from 14:00-15:30 (CET).

Joint Dialogue Forum 2021 (JDF 2021)

Organised by TISK

Workshop: Launch of IOE's global communicators network (for Latin America)

Organised by IOE, in collaboration with the Ibero-American Business Council (CEIB), in the Ibero-American region on 13 October from 16:30-18:00…

Workshop: Launch of IOE's global communicators network (for Africa)

Organised by IOE in this region on 12 October from 14:00-15:30 (CET).

Meeting of IOE members from Europe and Central Asia in 2021

Organised by IOE

AREC meeting - Report on EBMOs in the region

Organised by IOE

XIII Ibero-American Business Meeting

Organised by CEA, CEIB and SEGIB

1st Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Organised by the United Nations

Event for Europe and Central Asia: Collective action – the Do's and Don'ts to strengthen partnerships for addressing systemic challenges

Event organised by IOE at UN Forum

Europe and Central Asia IOE members meeting

Registration open now for 9 September session.

Europe and Central Asia digital conference on Covid-19 business response

Digital conference on Tuesday 21 April 2020 from 14:00-15:30 bringing together IOE members to review business response to Covid-19 in the region

2020 Social Affairs Committee (SAC) Meeting

Organized by BusinessEurope

9th meeting of the UfM High-Level Working Group on Employment and Labour

Organised by the European Commission

Annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva

Meeting of IOE members from Europe and Central Asia

Strategy Meeting of the Business at OECD ELSA

Organised by OECD BIAC

Global Young Employer Organisation Professionals' Academy

IOE-CEOE International Conference on Business & Human Rights

IOE-CEOE Workshop on support national employers' organisations need to provide member services on the respect of human rights

4th Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Employment and Labour

IOE-CEOE Workshop on giving SMEs the right tools & support to respect human rights

EU Global Policy Forum on Development

ILO-European Commission (EC) meeting on Industrial Relations

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
