El nuevo Informe de la OIE y el Instituto Mundial del Trabajo (GEI) de la International Bar Association (IBA) pretende ofrecer una mayor orientación a las empresas sobre las normas internacionales del trabajo de la OIT (en inglés)

En un informe conjunto, las dos organizaciones destacan el propósito de las Normas Internacionales del Trabajo de la OIT; el modo en que se ponen en práctica, se supervisan y se interpretan, y el modo en que estas afectan a las empresas que las utilizan en sus códigos de conducta, los acuerdos marco internacionales y otros instrumentos relativos a la responsabilidad social empresarial.

The IOE and the International Bar Association Global Employment Institute pooled their expertise to provide companies, private sector representatives and the international community with in-depth and up-to-date guidance, analysis and clarity on a particularly important area of international labour law - International Labour Standards (ILS). The new Report is titled "International Labour Standards in the Contemporary Global Economy".

As a lot of our members already know, the ILS are legal instruments, set by the ILO and  agreed by ILO tripartite constituents, which protect basic worker rights, taking into account, inter alia, the need for sustainable enterprises to create jobs. They are either so-called international labour Conventions, which are legally binding international treaties upon ratification, or Recommendations, which serve as non-binding guidelines. We welcome you to consult the IOE's ILS page for more introductory and historic information. Given the IOE's expertise and long-standing experience with the development, application and updating of ILS through its close work with the ILO, this report is a perfect opportunity to share that wealth of knowledge and raise awareness of its importance.

The jointly published Report outlines the purpose of the ILO’s ILS; how they are implemented, supervised and interpreted; and how they affect companies that refer to them in their codes of conduct, international framework agreements (IFAs) and/or other corporate social responsibility instruments. Further, the Report provides examples of legal challenges companies may face when references are made to ILS in national law, IFAs or codes of conduct (Section 6). In particular, it examines whether ILO's Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) contains a right to strike (Section 4).

You can find the Report available for download in the Documents box. You can also find further information as well as the report for download and a full press release here.

The International Bar Association (IBA), established in 1947, is the world’s leading organisation of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. Through its global membership, it influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession throughout the world.

The International Bar Association Global Employment Institute (IBA GEI) was formed in early 2010 for the purpose of developing a global and strategic approach to the main legal issues in the human resources and human capital fields for multinationals and worldwide institutions.

Please contact Maria Paz Anzorreguy for further information (contact details in the contacts box).

Dirección de la OIE

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7ª planta,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Ginebra – Suiza

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
