Miembros de la OIE de África: reserven la fecha para la 6.ª Cumbre africana de interlocutores sociales - Nigeria, 25-26 de febrero de 2020

Se trata de la primera Cumbre de esta índole que se celebra en la parte anglófona de África. Se continuará la labor de los interlocutores sociales africanos para acelerar la creación de empleos (en inglés).

(El texto que aparece a continuación está disponible únicamente en inglés).

Over recent years, economic outlook reports by international organisations and respected think-tanks have underlined that economic growth in Africa has not yet delivered inclusive socio-economic transformation and found that job creation is the most important issue for the future of the African continent.

Understanding that such transformation requires the combined commitment and effort of all social partners and stakeholders, IOE member organisations in Africa invited trade unions, governments, international organisations, financial institutions and think-tanks, inter alia, to work together with employers to advance this transformation through job creation.

This extensive outreach resulted in a series of African Social Partners' (ASP) Summits which began in Casablanca in 2013.  Editions have since taken place again in Casablanca (2015), and also in Tunis (2016), Algeria (2017) and Abidjan (2018) with the support of IOE members locally and our regional partner BUSINESS AFRICA.  The ASP Summit series has benefitted from the financial assistance and support of IOE, ILO and the European Union.

These Summits have produced a range of multi-stakeholder guidance documents and materials to orient and facilitate the work of employers' and workers' organisations as they engage with governments and others to build skills and create employment. There has always been a special focus on delivering for young people as they prepare for a world of work that is in constant evolution.  Each Summit has built on the work of the previous editions and the Blueprint for Jobs in Africa, adopted in Casablanca in 2015, provides an ongoing reference for policy recommendations, actions and implementation.

The 6th ASP Summit is a joint undertaking of IOE and the Nigerian Employers' Consultative Association (NECA). It will take place on 25-26 February (city to be confirmed) and will bring together all the interested parties - representatives of employers, workers, governments, international organisations, and youth - to share and review work to date to advance job creation policies in Africa.  The ASP Summit series has been a journey: we have moved from words to actions and now is the time to explore and assess the challenges and opportunities arising from implementation.  

In the coming weeks, we will be reaching out to you with a tentative programme and the confirmed location, and to ask you to submit your case studies of work to date so that we can prepare a compilation of experiences to share and be inspired by as a starting point for our discussions.

Please save the dates, and be ready to contribute to another successful Summit!

Limited funding is available to support participation.

Dirección de la OIE

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7ª planta,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Ginebra – Suiza

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
