Inscríbanse a los tres eventos de la OIE sobre derechos humanos en Madrid (en inglés)

Información detallada sobre los próximos eventos OIE-CEOE sobre Derechos Humanos y Conducta Empresarial Responsable (1-3 de abril). (Inscripción antes del 22 de febrero para el Taller de PYMES y el Taller para empleadores, y 15 de marzo para la Conferencia Internacional)

Dear IOE members and partners,

As we have explained in past newsletters, the IOE has three separate “human rights” events coming up on 1, 2 and 3 April in Madrid (immediately after the ILO Governing Body).

IOE events in Madrid (Spain):

  • Monday 1 April: “SME Workshop on Human Rights”
  • Tuesday 2 April: “Workshop for Employers’ Organisations on Business & Human Rights”
  • Wednesday 3 April: “International Conference on Business & Human Rights”

We are grateful to have the support of our Spanish member, Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE), which is co-hosting these events with us, as well as the financial support of the European Union.

Please note! We have limited space for these events, especially the first two days. We also only have funds to pay for those selected IOE members to come to all three events (not different IOE members for each separate event). Therefore, we hope that interested parties will register to come to all three separate events (on 1, 2 and 3 April) or at least the first two days (1 and 2 April).

More information about the three events are below, including on registration. Any questions, please email Peter Hall: hall(at)

Kind regards,

Matthias Thorns and Peter Hall


SME Workshop on Human Rights - Monday 1 April

  • What? A practical workshop that will focus on giving SMEs the right tools and support to respect human rights in their operations and business relationships. This workshop is being carried out together with the non-profit organisation called Shift.
  • The agenda: The IOE is currently working with Shift to develop the agenda for this workshop, which will involve preparatory calls with selected participants. Topics that we will explore include: understanding the particular challenges facing SMEs in implementing the UNGPs; which concepts of the UNGPs are most important to look at; entry points and drivers for SMEs to implement the UNGPs; the types of capacity-building/support that SMEs need; and consideration of recognition/rewards for SMEs that demonstrate respect for human rights.
  • Where? CEOE’s Office, Madrid (Spain)
  • When? Monday 1 April (9am-6pm)
  • Rationale:
    • This workshop builds on various IOE discussions on how respect for human rights applies to SMEs, including at the 2018 UN Forum on Business & Human Rights and our earlier in-country workshops.
    • The UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights explains that all companies - regardless of their size, sector, location, ownership and structure - have a responsibility to respect human rights. While there has been a lot of focus on the world's biggest companies (i.e. well-known brands and retailers), we want to better understand the specific challenges facing SMEs when it comes to respecting human rights and acknowledge the efforts that many SMEs are making to support their workers, communities and the environment.
    • SMEs form the backbone of national economies and the global supply chains of large companies. They account for about 90% of all businesses and they contribute up to 45% of total employment. Therefore, their collective contribution to society and the planet is huge.
  • Capacity:
    • This event is for SMEs (approx. 15) that have concrete experience of implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (not newcomers) to allow us to learn from current SME experiences.
    • In addition, there is space for approximately 20 IOE members (national employers’ organisations) to also participate in this workshop and share experiences of their SME members.
  • Registration information:
    • Please email: humanrights(at)
    • Deadline to register: Friday 22 February (close of business)
    • Email subject heading: “Registration: SME Workshop on Human Rights - Monday 1 April”
    • Important information! We can only accept one person from each interested IOE member. We also only have funds to pay for those selected IOE members to come to all three events (not different IOE members for each separate event). Registration will be approved on a first-come-first-reply basis.
  • Travel support: If your registration is approved and you require travel / accommodation support, please add this information to your registration application.

Workshop for Employers’ Organisations on Business & Human Rights - Tuesday 2 April

  • What?
    • Workshop on the types of support national employers' organisations need to provide tools and services to help their members respect human rights.
    • See draft agenda attached.
  • Where? CEOE’s Office, Madrid (Spain)
  • When? Tuesday 2 April (9am-6pm)
  • Rationale:
    • As the business and human rights movement grows – with increased action and focus of many governments, regulators, business partners, lawyers, investors, civil society organisations and the media – we would like to discuss how national employers’ organisations can play a bigger role in advising and supporting their members (both individual companies and local industry associations) to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights.
    • In a 2016 “IOE/ILO survey” of more than 250 SMEs from 32 countries, 70% of respondents said they expect employers’ organisations to provide training to them on how to implement the UNGPs, to share information about challenges/best practices in the country, and to raise awareness of the UNGPs.
    • This workshop also builds on the previous day’s workshop on SMEs, and the IOE’s workshops with members in nine countries (so far) on “responsible business conduct and human rights.”
  • Capacity:
    • This event is for IOE members.
    • There is space for approximately 20 IOE members (national employers’ organisations) to also participate in this workshop and share experiences of their SME members.
  • Registration information:
    • Please email: humanrights(at)
    • Deadline to register: Friday 22 February (close of business)
    • Email subject heading: “Registration: Workshop for Employers’ Organisations on Human Rights - Tuesday 2 April”
    • Important information! We can only accept one person from each interested IOE member. We also only have funds to pay for those selected IOE members to come to all three events (not different IOE members for each separate event). Registration will be approved on a first-come-first-reply basis.
  • Travel support: If your registration is approved and you require travel / accommodation support, please add this information to your registration application.

International Conference on Business & Human Rights - Wednesday 3 April

  • What?
    • The IOE’s “International Conference on Business & Human Rights” comes to Spain this year to give companies in Europe and around the world the opportunity to learn about leading business efforts to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights.
    • The draft agenda (see attached) reflects up-to-date practice and discussions on key topics, such as: legal developments; efforts to carry out human rights due diligence; how to measure impacts in supply chains and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals; and the nexus between corruption and human rights.
  • Where? CEOE’s Office, Madrid (Spain)
  • When? Wednesday 3 April (9am-6pm)
  • Capacity:
    • Business only. This event is open to companies and business representatives (i.e.: lawyers or industry associations) around the world not just those in Spain.
    • Maximum capacity: 150 people.
  • Registration information:
    • Please email: humanrights(at)
    • Deadline to register: Friday 15 March (close of business)
    • Email subject heading: “Registration: International Conference on Business & Human Rights - Wednesday 3 April”
  • Travel support:
    • Important information! We can only provide travel support to those IOE members whose registration is approved for the two workshops on 1 and 2 April.

Dirección de la OIE

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7ª planta,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Ginebra – Suiza

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
