Views from Asia: Future of work

Social partners shared views on the recommendations of the report of the Global Commission on the Future of Work during a ministerial-level ASEAN conference in April.

Some 700 government, employer and worker representatives took part the Regional conference on the future of work in Asia: Embracing Technology; Inclusive Growth in Singapore from 29-30 April. The Conference was jointly organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore, Singapore National Trades Union Congress and Singapore National Employers Federation.

During the conference, tripartite delegates discussed the report’s recommendations to address the changing needs of work, achieve sustainable livelihoods, and build social partnerships that use new technologies and innovations to prepare workers and employers alike for the future of work.

Dr Robert Yap, President of SNEF, summed up the Employers’ view on the report from the Global Commission on the Future of Work: “To ensure business sustainability, we must raise productivity. Productivity is only mentioned once in the Global Commission’s report. Without productivity there is no future of work.”

IOE Advisor Akustina Morni offered additional insight into the employers’ response to the report. She explained which recommendations the Employers’ supported and those they could not.

A Ministerial Statement, ASEAN Labour Ministers’ Statement on the Future of Work: Embracing Technology for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, was signed by the ASEAN Labour Ministers attending the event. It sets out the regional aspirations for meeting the challenges to the future of work. There are now plans to develop recommendations (referred to as the plan of action) based on the Ministerial Statement. IOE will provide additional support and guidance to the ASEAN Employers’ Group on the follow-up recommendations to the Ministerial Statements.

SNEF President Yap in his closing statement reiterated that “economic growth and productivity will determine the kind of society we become.”

View Dr. Robert Yap’s speech here

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