OAS CIDI Colloquium "The Contribution of Business to Integral and Sustainable Development in the Americas"



Organized by the Organization of American States

Aim of the meeting

At the last General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) held in October 2020, OAS Member States agreed to develop an Inter-American Business Charter. The event will take place within the framework of these discussions of the OAS Member States to listen mainly to the voice of the entrepreneurial voice of the continent. Daniel Funes de Rioja, President of CEATAL and Honorary President of IOE, will participate in both panels at the colloquium.

IOE Role

To support and coordinate CEATAL's participation in both panels of the event.

IOE address

71 Avenue Louis-Casaï
1216 Cointrin
Geneva, Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
