Upcoming Digital Conference

Insights on diverse labor measures implemented by employers in response to Covid-19: what works and what does not

Wednesday 1st April 2020, 14:00 – 15:30 (Europe CST)

To respond to the Covid-19 health emergency and its financial implications, the private sector is appealing to a wide variety of available labor measures and arrangements within their legal frameworks to mitigate the impact on business. Companies are also leveraging support granted by governments to use flexible working arrangements to safeguard employment.

The sustainability of enterprises will largely depend on their capacity to ensure business continuity and minimise the financial impact. The greatest challenge for companies is managing the immediate impact of the business slowdown on their workforce together with preparing for recovery after the emergency.

Sick leave, short time work, telework, hourly-paid, unpaid leave, minimum wage, temporary dismissals, paid time-off, flexible schedules, adjusted overtime, time-off after the crisis, bonuses, etc. are some of the industrial relations measures employers are pursing which have diverse legal and financial implications.

IOE digital conference on Insights on diverse labor measures implemented by employers in response to Covid-19 will be the opportunity to share views and experience from relevant actors worldwide on what works and what does not.

Join our digital conference on Wednesday 1st April 2020, 14:00 – 15:30 (Europe CST)

Register before noon (Europe CST) Wednesday by clicking here.




Welcome, Roberto Suárez Santos, IOE Secretary-General

Setting the scene: Renate Hornung-Draus, Managing Director, European and International Affairs; Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA)

  • Country case of Italy: Paola Astorri, Employment, Labour and Human Capital Department, Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria)
  • Country case of Mexico: Fernando Yllanes Almanza, Confederación de Cámaras Industriales (CONCAMIN)
  • Country case of Sri Lanka: Kanishka Weerasinghe, The Employers Federation of Ceylon (EFC)
  • Country of South Africa: Jonathan Goldberg, Business South Africa (BUSA)
  • Mapping the measures: Bettina Schaller Bossert, Head Group Public Affairs, Adecco group

Conclusions, Roberto Suarez, IOE Secretary-General

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
