Ya pueden inscribirse para participar en la Conferencia Internacional de la OIE sobre Empresas y Derechos Humanos

Participen en nuestra conferencia anual en la materia, acogida por BDA y DeutschePost DHL, el 22 de abril en Bonn, Alemania (en inglés)

We are writing to invite you and your company members to register for IOE’s International Business & Human Rights Conference on Wednesday 22 April 2020 in Bonn (Germany).

IOE is organising the conference jointly with DeutschePost DHL and the German employers' federation BDA.

Please find below in the “Resources section” the latest draft agenda, which also includes the registration link and other practical information.

The agenda covers the following topics:

  • Aligning different business perspectives on the move towards mandatory human rights due diligence at the EU & national level.
  • Legal compliance & beyond compliance in implementing the UNGPs: what does “adequate/reasonable” & “effective/meaningful” human rights due diligence looks like in practice?
  • How companies can best engage with States to address underlying human rights challenges such as forced labour, child labour, access to remedy, corruption and trade union rights.
  • How investors can drive positive human rights outcomes in their investment decisions and company engagement.

You are most welcome to attend. In addition, please feel free to pass on this email / agenda to companies in your respective networks.

Register now!

Practical information

  • Conference date: Wednesday 22 April 2020
  • Time: 08:30 - 17:30
  • Location: Deutsche Post DHL, Post-Tower, Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 20, 53113 Bonn (Germany)
  • Conference capacity: 120 participants (business-only)
  • Language & format: English (Chatham House rule)
  • Enquiries:humanrights(at)ioe-emp.com
  • Please note: The conference is free to attend, but participants are expected to organise and pay for their own travel and accommodation.

Dirección de la OIE

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7ª planta,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Ginebra – Suiza

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
