Register now for GFMD Asia/Middle East consultations

Join the GFMD Asia/Middle East regional consultations in July 2020.

Co-hosted with the Abu Dhabi Process, the GFMD Asia/Middle East consultations will take place in July. IOE encourages all members from the Asia/Middle East region to join this consultation process.

Issues covered in the different sessions are:

  • Leveraging new technologies to empower migrants
  • The governance of labour migration in the context of changing employment landscapes
  • Fostering partnerships to realise migration-related goals in the sustainable development agenda and managing the future of human mobility

The three topics will be addressed at a general opening session, and more in depth at three breakout sessions. The consultations will conclude with a closing/wrap up session. Dates for the sessions are the following:

  • 6 July, 1pm – 3pm (GMT):           Opening Plenary
  • 9 July, 1pm – 3pm (GMT):           Thematic Breakout Sessions
  • 13 July, 1pm – 3pm (GMT):         Closing Plenary

The GFMD-led sessions will provide an opportunity to give crucial inputs into the GFMD Background Papers, to be presented during the Summit in Dubai in January 2021.  IOE urges all Asia/Pacific members to review the Background Papers in the resource section and available on the GFMD website. Please send your feedback to Stephanie Winet ( by 10 July2020.

The participation to the different sessions is limited. Your local business perspective in this multi-stakeholder platform is needed. Please contact Bouchra Marclay (marclay(at) to register to take part in one of the sessions.

We look forward to receiving your inputs.

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
