ILO Global Events - Virtual Global Summit on Covid-19 and the World of Work - Building a Better Future of work

07. - 09.07.2020.



Organised by ILO and second part of its Virtual Global Summit (taking place from 1-9 July)

Aims of the Global Summit:

  1. To maintain the ILO's connectivity with its global tripartite constituency during the period of interruption of meetings of its statutory bodies and other activities.
  2. To provide a high-profile global platform for the tripartite constituents to address the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  3. To focus particularly on the application and relevance of the Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work to the post-pandemic recovery.   

IOE Role:

Invite and coordinate the Employers‘ perspective in the Summit.

More information on the ILO website and on the ILO Global Concept Note.

The Summit is organised in two parts: regional exchanges (1-2 July) followed by these three global events(7-9 July between 13.00 and 17.00 (CET) each day) as follows:

  • The Regional Day, on Tuesday 7 July, in a mix of live and recorded segments, will feature highlights from all five regional events, along with interviews and videos of ILO responses to Covid-19.
  • The Global Leaders’ Day, onWednesday 8 July, will offer a global tribune to the Heads of State and Government of ILO member States, prominent global employer and trade union leaders, and heads of international organizations to address in a pre-recorded message of up to five minutes, the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic in the world of work.
  • The ILO Constituents’ Day, on Thursday 9 July,will bring together ministers, and workers’ and employers’ leaders from member States to reflect live on inputs from the previous events with a view to informing future ILO action to implement the Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work in the context of the pandemic recovery.

All events are scheduled to allow remote participation from all time zones and will be broadcast live with interpretation in several languages.

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
