Private sector contributions in health emergencies

Covid-19 continues to spread across the globe. In a rapidly and life-threatening situation, the pandemic is disrupting in an unprecedented manner the daily life of people and business.

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To effectively respond cooperation and coordination among international organisations, multilateral actors and the business community is vital. Never have effective public-private partnerships been so necessary. IOE is committed to spearheading efforts to build partnerships, and helping the private sector mitigate the impact of the crisis.

As part of our Covid-19 response, IOE is leading a digital conference for its members with the participation of high-level experts including the Director of Public Health from the World Health Organization. The goal is to share with our network the latest information on the evolution of the virus and discuss around best response practices around the world.

The session will provide experts insights on critical questions such as:

What is the current situation and impact in different countries with regards to Covid-19? Which measures can be jointly taken with the private sector to mitigate it? What works, what does not work, based on previous emergency situations like the Ebola outbreak? What are the main challenges and opportunities with collaborating with public-private partnerships?

How are international organisations, specially WHO and ILO currently working with the public-private partnerships in response to Covid-19? What kind of initiatives or campaigns have been launched thus far? What levels of engagement and support have been received?

In preventing future global health crisis, how can they further promote and strengthen public and private partnerships, especially in developing countries, to tackle health related issues and to improve overall public health care systems? 


Welcome, Roberto Suarez, IOE Secretary-General

  • Maria Neira, Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Department of Public Health: In this period of emergency what is WHO’s position and view on private sector and worker collaboration, how it should be conducted to support a good functioning of Health Systems in anticipating coming problems, especially in developing economies where COVID-19 has not yet reached a critical point?
  • Dr Laurent Taymans, Regional Medical Director,International SOS: What are the challenges of private service providers in addressing health-related crises? Where are the boundaries of private sector engagement in emergencies? What are the best practices with regard to private sector contribution to health emergency situations?
  • Joaquim Pintado Nunes, Chief of Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health Branch (LABADMIN/OSH), International Labour Organization (ILO): How is ILO mobilizing governments, employers’ and workers’ organisations, and other key partners for creating or strengthening health and safety awareness of what is coming? Is the ILO committed to fostering public-private partnerships and private sector engagement for better anticipation of situations like this in the future and how will it ensure that?

Conclusions, Roberto Suarez, IOE Secretary-General

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Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
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