Business Enterprise Forum in Algiers: please save the dates!

Following our successful Business Enterprise Forum in Nairobi in March 2018, we are pleased to announce our 2019 "IOE-Business Africa Forum - Inspiring, nurturing and supporting Entrepreneurs " which will be graciously hosted by the General Confederation of Enterprises of Algeria (CGEA) in Algiers on 18 and 19 February 2019 Deadline for registration: 1 February 2019

One of the key takeaways from the Business Enterprise Forum in Nairobi in March 2018 was that we can no longer count on the traditional employment scenario to fulfill the needs and aspirations of the millions of young people entering Africa's labour market each year.  Embracing new and flexible forms of work, the gig and on-demand economy,  self-employment and starting one's own enterprise will be increasingly key to reaping the benefits of Africa's demographic dividend and to providing rewarding opportunities and livelihoods to Africa's youth.

The IOE-Business Africa Enterprise Forum in Algiers will be the occasion for an exploration of how to support this major shift by inspiring, nurturing and supporting entrepreneurs in this new world of work.  A panel-discussion format will allow for all the participants to share their perspectives and experiences.

Sessions will consider topics such as:

  • Adaptations necessary to current regulatory conditions to better support entrepreneurship 
  • The role of education and training in inspiring and encouraging young entrepreneurs
  • Testimonials from young entrepreneurs on the challenges, pitfalls and rewards of starting your own business
  • Services employers' organisations can provide to young entrepreneurs 
  • Opportunities for young entrepreneurs in global supply chains
  • Attraction and retention of start-ups in employers' organisation membership
  • What the future of business means for young entrepreneurs

Please save the dates for this Business Enterprise Forum, and kindly complete and return the registration form, which may be found  in the "Details" section below, by 1 February 2019  at the latest to allow time for formal invitations to be issued for visa applications.   A full programme will be provided in January.

Please also do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments at this early stage.






Roberto Suárez Santos

Secretary-General, IOE

          Jacqueline Mugo

          Secretary-General, Business Africa



IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
