Les politiques et actions du G20 sur le devant de la scène

IOE et Deloitte viennent de publier une analyse approfondie des actions et des politiques du G20 dans le contexte de la pandémie de Covid-19 (en anglais).

The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and Deloitte launched on 29 June a major report "The G20 during the COVID pandemic: Stress testing policies and actions."

The report analyses the labour market performance of G20 countries during the Covid-19 crisis. It looks at the uptake of the B20 labour market and education recommendations by the G20 for the years 2018-2020. It also examines the implementation of G20 commitments at national level and reviews the impact of the G20 on labour markets and skill building systems.

The report aims to deepen the understanding on the developments of G20 labour market during the crisis and to increase transparency and accountability regarding the implementation of G20 commitments and the impact of the G20 at a national level.

Please find the report under the Resources section.

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1216 Cointrin/Genève - Suisse

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