Les neuf finalistes du Migration Challenge présenteront leurs solutions lors de la campagne "It Takes a Community"

L'OIE et l'incubateur Seedstars basé en Suisse ont annoncé les neuf finalistes du concours de startups, le troisième Migration Challenge de l'OIE (en anglais).

The Migration Challenge, now in its third cycle, looks to identify the most promising human resources, civictech, fintech and edtech start-ups with solution-oriented products and services to improve the migration processes that respond to labour market needs and contribute to a positive narrative of migration.

The goal of the first two editions of the Migration Challenge was to find more sustainable and scalable solutions to the migration issues, showcase the latest tech businesses and support them in their scale-up phase and connect the tech startup finalists with the leaders and participants of the Global Forum on Migration and Development. In its latest edition, the Challenge adds another layer to include tech start-ups that contribute to shifting the narrative and building inclusive and welcoming communities that benefit businesses, migrants, and their host communities. Moreover, in the post Covid-19 context, the competition increases in relevance as it offers start-ups with much-needed support as they struggle to navigate the economic challenges created by the pandemic.

Application call was open for tech start-ups in Asia and Europe, including Eastern Europe and Central Asia’s emerging markets. After thorough screening and interviews, nine finalists from these regions were selected to compete in the final pitching session and face Jury Panel for Q&A. Finalists of the IOE Third Migration Challenge Competition are: CrossWorks Company ltdFinFan, Jobian,Just Good Works, Lunes, Relocate.me, Staf Online, World Like Home and 3minutesjob.com.

The selected start-ups use technology to match skilled migrants – expats, tech and seasonal workers, intra-company transferees, to different sectors of employment facing skills shortages. Their products also offer ways for governments to share information and best practices to improve their migration policies, and provide migrant workers with access to financial, educational, and labour mobility services. By leveraging technologies, they provide practical solutions to shaping positive public narrative and empowering migrants.

IOE Secretary-General Roberto Suárez Santos said: "This edition of the Migration Challenge Competition continues the vital support tech start-ups need to offer digital solutions that offer a triple win for migrants, businesses and host communities. Last year, we saw how important the recognition this competition offers is to innovative entrepreneurs, who are leveraging technologies to create one-stop shop platforms, digital tools, and smart apps. At IOE, we are proud to be a partner in this competition, and firmly believe it is a major contributor towards promoting well-managed migration as a positive force for change." The nine finalists will pitch for the main prize during the It Takes a Community campaign IOE Business week which will be launched from June 21-July 2 on International Organization for Migration platform.

The winner of the competition will be awarded 5,000 Swiss francs. The winner and the two runners up will also receive a scholarship for personalised mentorship sessions designed to support entrepreneurs, especially in a post Covid-19 environment, to reduce the time and efforts needed to fundraise and scale up their businesses. Last but not least, the nine finalists will join the Alumni Network of Migration Challenge where they will have access to opportunities for internal and external networking as well as prospects for international visibility and professional growth.

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1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Genève – Suisse

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