Call for comments: IOE Paper on Remote work beyond Covid-19

Send us your feedback by 19 April 2021.

The Covid-19 social distance measures and quarantines have pushed businesses to adopt digital strategies and innovate to strive and keep business afloat and remain productive. The shift to remote work has drastically become the new work modality for many.

With vaccines around the corner, employers, workers and policymakers worldwide have started to think and discuss about the changes that the world of work will face after the pandemic. Are we all getting back to the office routine and presential meetings? Will remote work and telework practices remain? What are the needs, challenges and opportunities? What policies shall be adopted, and at what level?

IOE has drafted a paper on remote work beyond Covid-19. It explores the different aspects of remote work with a special focus on telework and how it will impact the way we work after the pandemic. It examines the needs, challenges, and opportunities based on an assessment of remote work/teleworking regulations in 30 selected countries and the EU. Our aim is to highlight the role of IOE in supporting its members in connection to remote work-related policy and offer some policy recommendations on a range of topics identified around this subject for policy makers and employers’ organisations to consider, to be published end April 2021.

We would like to request the Management Board and the Industrial Relations Policy Working Group to review the text and send us your feedback by 19 April 2021 at morales(at)

If you have any questions about the document or the consultation process, please contact Luis Rodrigo Morales, Senior Adviser: morales(at)

Yours sincerely,

Roberto Suárez Santos

Adresse de l'OIE

71, Avenue Louis-Casaï
1216 Cointrin/Genève - Suisse

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
