L'OIE et Seedstars annoncent les finalistes du concours "Migration Challenge"

Dix finalistes se présenteront devant un jury à Quito, en Équateur, en janvier 2020 (en anglais).

The International Organisation of Employers and Seedstars have announced the ten finalists of the Migration Challenge Start-up Competition, for the most promising human resources, fintech, civictech and edtech start-ups with solution-oriented products to improve migration systems that respond to labour market needs.

The finalists are Inmi, Talenteum, Digemy, Valiu, M-Shule, Visadb.io, Maxicash, Mynkana, BAG Innovation and Mumuki. A total of 73 applications from Latin American and African start-ups were received.

IOE Secretary General, Roberto Suárez Santos, said: "The Migration Challenge Competition is the first initiative of its kind. Rewarding innovative solutions to the information divide between employers and migrants through skills and technology is the first step towards promoting well-managed migration as a positive force for change."

Through technology, the selected start-ups assist with better matching employment sectors facing skills shortages with trained regular migrants – expats, temporary workers, seasonal workers, intra-company transferees. Their products also offer ways for governments to share information and best practices to improve their policies, and provide migrant workers with access to financial, educational and labour mobility services.

The ten finalists will pitch for the prize at the first-ever "Tech Garden" of the Twelfth Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) Summit in Quito, Ecuador on 20-24 January 2020.

The winner will be announced on 23 January 2020 during the closing plenary session. The winning start-up will take part in the Global Seedstars Summit in Lausanne, Switzerland to be held April 2020, and will benefit from 3-months acceleration scholarship for the Investment Readiness Program (IRP). The runners-up will be awarded with 2 months acceleration scholarship for IRP.

Adresse de l'OIE

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7ème étage,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Genève – Suisse

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
