Réponse conjointe du milieu des affaires à la proposition de révision du Traité de l'ONU

Lisez la réponse coinjointe de l'OIE, Entreprises à l'OCDE and BusinessEurope à la dernière proposition de révision du Traité de l'ONU sur les multinationales (TNC) et et les autres entreprises (OBE) (en anglais).

Dear IOE members and partners,

Please find in the “resources” section below the Joint Business Response to the Revised Draft Treaty, which States will negotiate upon next week in the 5th session of the Inter-Governmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises.

The joint response (by the IOE, Business at OECD and BusinessEurope) has two parts:

  • It describes the business community’s commitment to respecting human rights – in context.
  • It explains the business community’s substantive concerns with the Revised Draft Treaty.

Thank you for your help in preparing this joint business response, which will be made public on the IOE’s website ASAP. We also intend to share it with the Government of Ecuador, which is leading the UN Treaty process, and other States.

Please kindly share this joint business response with your Government contacts in capital.

Update on next week’s 5th session:

  • We understand that most of the time spent during next week’s 5th session of the IGWG will focus on State-to-State negotiations on the Revised Draft Treaty (the agenda is still be confirmed by Ecuador) – rather than providing a big platform for NGOs and others to give their comments.
  • The IOE will be present during the whole week, supported by USCIB and Littler, and we will make our points known on the Revised Draft Treaty during the speaking slots allocated to non-States.

Many thanks again for your help and we will update you on how next week goes. Feel free to share with us any relevant updates you receive.

Adresse de l'OIE

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7ème étage,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Genève – Suisse

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
