6 March 2018


2019 ILC - Opportunity for Employers' Organisations to input the content of the ILO Committee of Experts 2019 General Survey on Social Protection Floors Recommendation (No. 202)


Dear Members and Colleagues,


We now look ahead to 2019. Employers' Organisations can impact the elaboration of the ILO Committee of Experts (CEACR) 2019 General Survey on Social Protection Floors Recommendation No. 202 by sending information on the application in law and practice of this Recommendation at national level. The information that is required includes: laws, policies and other measures in place for the provision of income security and health protection as well as data and statistics.


The report form adopted by the ILO Governing Body for this purpose can be downloaded from the link in the side panel.


The information that Employers' Organisations may want to send to the CEACR needs to reach the ILO Office by 31 March 2018. It must be sent to article19-R202@ilo.org. We would be grateful to receive a copy at: anzorreguy@ioe-emp.com 


Why is it important for an Employers' Organisation to submit information for the elaboration of the General Survey to the CEACR?

The submission of information to the CEACR is important for at least the following 2 reasons:

  1. to provide the business perspective on how an ILO Member State is applying an ILO non-binding Recommendation in law and practice
  2. to neutralise/balance/complement information submitted by Governments and trade unions


Background information

The text of the ILO Recommendation and the 2012 IOE Guide on the Recommendation can be accessed from the links in the side panel.


Yours sincerely,

María Paz Anzorreguy

Senior Adviser

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