Conclusiones de los empleadores tras el Foro Empresarial Mundial sobre los ODS

La OIE, junto con su férrea red de organizaciones de empleadores, organizó el Foro Empresarial Mundial sobre los ODS de 2023 durante el Foro Político de Alto Nivel en Nueva York (en inglés).

Impressive discussions and dialogues took place at the SDG Global Business Forum. Proof partnerships workgreat collaboration with the UN Global Compact, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) on organising the event. IOE President Michele Parmelee addressed the online participants from all continents. MC Eric Loeb from SalesForce and Chair of IOE-member organisation United States Council for International Business (USCIB) conducted the event with skill and presence.

In a united voice, IOE members from Ecuador, Fiji, Madagascar and Mali urged for greater collaboration with the private sector to accelerate efforts to achieve the #SDGs. They also jointly declared that creating a conducive environment for business was one of the most efficient and effective paths to reaching Agenda 2030.

National Council of Employers of Mali President, Mossadeck Bally provided this concrete advice: “Training on #STEM skills, continent trade integration, access to finance and open markets – these are the areas we need to pursue as part of Africa’s path to #SDGs.”

Madagascar Employers’ Federation (Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar – GEM) President Thierry-Marie H. Rajaona highlighted the power of dialogue to bring about sustainable change: “Through our dialogue with the government and with our social partners, together we have improved the business environment and strengthened efforts to reach #SDGs.”

President of the Ecuador Employers’ Organisation (Federación Nacional de Cámaras de Industrias y Producción del Ecuador) and President of the Iberoamerican Business Council (CEIB) María Paz Jervis explained that “public policies that help businesses grow also drive development and generate jobs. Business wants to be part of achieving the SDG”. As the first woman in this position, she showcased the power of women as economic actors and drivers for development.

“There is no way we can deliver on the SDGs without an effective partnership with the private sector,” said the ILO Director General Gilbert Houngbo in a discussion with Sandeep Chauhan from Fiji Commerce & Employers Federation (FCEF). Sandeep added that support from the ILO has been crucial to integrating sustainable practices into Fiji employers’ companies – business and public sector can and have to work together.

The Forum benefited from powerful messages delivered by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of UN Global Compact Sanda Ojiambo. Thanks to all participants for ensuring this Forum brings the voice of business to SDG action.

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71 Avenue Louis-Casaï
1216 Cointrin, Ginebra (Suiza)

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
