15 June 2018


High Level Evaluation of ILO's capacity development efforts


Dear IOE Members,


As you may already be aware, the ILO has sent out an official email announcing the launch of a High-level Independent Evaluation of its “Capacity Development Efforts 2010-17” for all constituents. This evaluation is coordinated by the Independent Evaluation Office (EVAL) of the ILO and takes the form of a short online survey. 


This particular evaluation was endorsed by the Governing Body in October 2017 for implementation this year. The results will be reviewed at the November GB used as a baseline for the capacity development efforts going forward in the context of the ILO Strategic Plan 2018-2021.


The topic of capacity building and the efficiency of the ILO’s capacity development efforts is critical to Employers in particular. In order to make headway and improve on the ILO’s capacity building efforts it is vital that constituents express their views and make their voices heard.


We encourage you to provide and express your views and experiences freely to ensure that future processes meet the needs of your organisation and your members. We ask that you pay particular attention to possible overlaps of capacity development efforts, whether or not the overall experience has been demand-driven (or supply-driven by the ILO), the implementations of needs assessments, the sustainability of interventions and the representation of Employers in the preparation of capacity development projects. In this respect, we draw your attention to the following most important questions:

  • Q9: The ILO has a clear approach to capacity development.
  • Q10: The ILO support to capacity development has been based on thorough needs assessment.
  • Q11: The design of capacity development plans and activities are owned by constituents and not imposed by the ILO.
  • Q14: ILO is responsive to changing contexts and needs and flexible in planning and implementation of capacity development.
  • Q15: The objectives for capacity development are clearly defined. 
  • Q22: Measures have been put in place to ensure sustainability and retention of competence and capacity developed.

The IOE invites all its Members to respond to this survey in full. Your participation will be much appreciated but also highly valuable to the IOE and ACT/EMP. The more IOE Members respond, the stronger the Employers’ message will be to create change in the capacity development process and implementation in the ILO.


You can find a screenshot of the official invitation sent out by the ILO in the side panel. 


We thank you in advance for your representation and responses on this survey!


Yours sincerely,

Pierre Vincensini


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