22 May 2018

42nd ECSA EO Conference in Kampala - full report and presentations now available for download!

Following the successful 42nd edition of the Annual Conference of East, Central & Southern Africa Employers' Organisations (EOs), hosted on 26 - 27 April 2018 by the Uganda Federation of Employers in Kampala, we are pleased to announce that the full report and PowerPoint presentations shared at the Conference are now available for you to download via the links in the side panel.

The theme of the Conference was:

From Declaration to Action - Accelerating an enabling environment for youth employability and entrepreneurship

The two days of deliberations concluded with a clear set of actions to be implemented across this theme and other relevant areas, including:

  • Bringing to fruition the regional labour law compendium initiative
  • Building EO capacity through the replication of best practices and training in research methodologies with a view to collecting more robust and reliable data for advocacy
  • Engaging in labour migration policy advocacy and developing relevant position papers
  • Organising more peer-to-peer exchanges of EO/government best practices in the area of skills development, including developing GAN networks
  • Mapping out the current situation and goal in terms of regional integration
  • Documenting best EO practices in successfully increasing visibility and influence
  • Assessing and documenting skills levels and examining government budgets for skills development and how companies and governments can support internship programmes;, as well as the potential for a youth development fund
  • Supporting government efforts for youth training

The presentations, interactions and group discussions leading to the development of these action points are more fully elaborated in the report.

The IOE would like to thank the FUE for their generous welcome, hospitality and organisation, as well as the European Union for their financial support. Sincere thanks are also due to all the participants for sharing their presentations and perspectives to the benefit of everyone!

We look forward to continuing the ECSA Annual Conference tradition - the 43rd edition is tentatively scheduled to be hosted by the Employers' Confederation of Malawi during the first half of 2019!

Please do not hesitate to contact the IOE representatives whose details are given in the side panel if you have any questions or comments!




Report of the 42nd ECSA EO Conference
PowerPoint Presentations
Additional links
IOE Contacts

On Twitter (@ioevoice) 
and Facebook (facebook.com/international