17 January 2018
Findings of IOE survey on right to strike show major differences in national regulations

Dear Members & Partners, 


The IOE is pleased to announce the launch of the Findings of the IOE Member Country Survey on Strike Action. The survey provides a comprehensive picture of the range of regulations, practices, restrictions and implications of strike action around the world.


What did the survey investigate?

Five main areas of strike action were examined in the survey:

  1. Legal basis and definition
  2. Pre-requisites to call a legal strike
  3. Restrictions on strike action
  4. Effects of strike action
  5. Essential and minimum services


What were the results of the survey?

The results of our survey showcase the realities of industrial action across 41 countries. These realities vary enormously.


How do the survey results influence interpretation of the CEACR*’s observations?

Longstanding controversy over the regulation of the right to strike and the interpretations given to this right by the ILO CEACR has been ongoing in tripartite debate within the ILO. The survey showed high levels of inconsistency between national regulations on the right to strike and the non-binding opinions of the CEACR. This demonstrates that if a “universal” standard on strike action were to be established, current interpretations expressed by the CEACR do not provide a model that can be applied to all contexts.


Why is this survey important for Employers?

The survey provides an overview on the types of regulations on strike action, which is useful for Employers in countries wishing to push for change in national legislation. This is the first survey specifically focused on Employers’ Organisations (EOs) to have been conducted on the right to strike. The survey is thus tailor-made to cover topics relevant to EOs and where their lobbying efforts could be effective.


Yours sincerely,

Roberto Suárez-Santos

Deputy Secretary-General


*ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR)

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