Reunión de miembros de la OIE de Europa y Asia Central (Roma, 12-13 de septiembre de 2019)

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La Confederación General de la Industria Italiana (CONFINDUSTRIA) acogerá esta reunión, que tendrá lugar los días 12 y 13 de septiembre en Roma (en inglés).

As previously announced, at the invitation of the General Confederation of Italian Industry (CONFINDUSTRIA), the annual meeting of IOE members from Europe and Central Asia will be held this year on 12 and 13 September in Rome.

The various sessions of the meeting will focus on:

  • National social policies in the context of globalisation and the multilateral trade system;
  • The challenges for Employers’ Organisations in a changing political and economic environment;
  • The ILO 2019 Centenary Declaration and the opportunities for employers;
  • The digital transformation of work and its challenges for Employers’ Organisations in terms of representation, changes in business models, industrial relations and skills anticipation.

This year meeting is of high relevance for the IOE and its members because, in preparation of the IOE Centenary in 2020, it will serve the basis for members to shape the priorities, vision and objectives of IOE action in the region and globally.

We are pleased to make the following information available (please see the links in the side panel):

  • Official letter of invitation from IOE Vice-President for Europe and Central Asia and the President of Confindustria
  • Draft Agenda IOE meeting  
  • Document on logistical information
  • Registration Forms (internal IOE form and hotel forms)

Please do not hesitate to contact me or Pierre Vincensini if you have any questions about the programme.

Please contact Monique Depierre for logistical inquiries.

Alessandra Assenza
Senior Adviser for Europe and Central Asia

Dirección de la OIE

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7ª planta,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Ginebra – Suiza

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
