Register now for GFMD Latin America consultations

Join the GFMD Latin America regional consultations in June.

Aim of the meeting:

This forum will engage Presidents of Employers Organisations' from Iberoamerica in a discussion with H.E. the King Felipe VI of Spain and the Ibero-American Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan on the role Employer organizations are playing in combatting the crisis and in contributing to design safe return to work plans and private sector led recovery strategies.  

IOE Role:

IOE co-organizes the meeting. IOE President Erol Kiresepi will virtually address participants during the meeting. 

Co-hosted with the Puebla Process, the GFMD Latin America consultations will take place in June. IOE encourages all Latin American members to take part.

Issues covered in the different sessions are:

  • Skilling migrants for employment 
  • Addressing gaps in migrant protection 
  • Discussing approaches to address irregular migration – what works? what doesn’t?

The three topics will be addressed at a general opening session, and more in depth at three breakout sessions. The consultations will conclude with a closing/wrap up session. In addition, the Government of Canada will host a session in English with Spanish translation dedicated to the narrative on migration.

Dates for the different sessions are:

  • 4 June, 3pm – 5pm (GMT)           Opening Plenary
  • 11 June, 3pm – 5pm (GMT)         Thematic Breakout Sessions
  • 18 June, 3pm – 5pm (GMT)         Thematic Session on Narratives on Migration
  • 3 July, 3pm – 5pm (GMT)             Closing Plenary

The GFMD-led sessions will provide an opportunity to raise the voice of employers and give crucial inputs into the GFMD Background Papers, to be presented during the Summit in Dubai in January 2021. Please contact Bouchra Marclay (marclay(at) to register to take part in one of the sessions. Participation to the break-out sessions is limited to 5 business representatives, while the opening is unrestricted and closing limited to 15 business representatives.   

As participation to the different sessions is limited and the goal is to have a wider business consultation, IOE urges all Latin American members to review the Background Papers published on the GFMD website. Please send your feedback to Stéphanie Winet ( by 15 June 2020.

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
